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The Art and Science of Television – journal

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The Art and Science of Television

“Nauka televidenya” [“The Art and Science of Television”] is a periodical research journal about digital media devoted to topical questions of history, theory and practice of the art of television, cinema, radio and new types of media. It publishes the results of studies in scientific directions “Cinema, television and other visual arts”, “Theory and history of culture”, “Sociology of culture and spiritual life”. It is based on the materials of the scientific works of the leading scholars of State Institute for Art Studies, GITR Film & Television School and of other Russian and foreign universities. It is addressed to researchers in visual arts and practicing specialists in the field of television, cinema, radio and new media.

The journal is published since 2004.

It is indexed in the WoS Core CollectionDOAJERIH PLUSthe Russian Science Citation Index.

Included in CyberLeninka. Represented in Google Academia, Journal Whitelist of the Russian Center for Scientific Information,

ISSN (Print) 1994-9529, ISSN (Online) 2587-9782

DOI 10.30628/1994-9529


  • To research the art of television in the context of contiguous arts and sciences
  • To analyze the changes taking place in society and on television
  • To develop scholarly knowledge in the sphere of the screen arts and screen culture
  • To prognosticate the development of media industry


Information for the Authors

Formatting of the article

Size of the Article – 20-40 thousand print characters with spaces, including meta-data, abstracts and bibliographical list.

If the article is the result of research work (supported by a grant or similar funding), the maximum text volume may be increased, but it should not exceed 1.5 times the original length.

Fonts – Times New Roman, size 12 pt with a one and a half interlinear interval.

The journal applies: the APA referencing system, 6th edition.

English-language articles use the punctuation system adopted in the academic practice of the United States of America.

We ask to submit the original versions of the articles along with Application (see: Documents) via e-mail: journal@gitr.ru 

Structure of the text

The information about the author or authors is placed above the title of the article in the following order: name, patronymic, surname, place of work/study, academic position with indication of the subdivision, postal address of organization, work phone, academic degree, academic title, and author’s e-mail address, and are published together with the article.

Contact information: postal and e-mail addresses and home and mobile telephones are not subject to publication.

Indices of Universal Decimal Classification (UDC)

Title of article

Information about the Source of Financing (Grant Giving) of the research/publication, if any, is indicated as a “star” footnote to the article and is given in the interlinear space on the first page.

Abstract. The size of the abstract must be 280-300 words. Its content should aim the reader at receiving the fullest preliminary impression of the article.

In the translations of the English version of the abstract, keywords and title of the article, as well as the bibliography, it is necessary to use the services of academic specialists who are competent in this branch of knowledge.

Use of automatic translators is not permitted.

The Keywords for the content of the article (10-15 words) are placed after the abstract.

Sources. In each article it is necessary to include at least 5 academic sources from other countries published during the course of the last 5 years, close to the issue of the concrete article indexed, as a rule, in the WoS and Scopus databases.

References. References shall be formatted as a bibliographic list of sources in accordance with the accepted APA format (6th edition) at the end of the article. Sources shall be listed alphabetically. In-text references shall be given in parentheses (author’s last name, year of publication, page), for example, (Kirkpatrick, 2007, p. 46; Sergeyeva, Orekh, 2021, pp. 17–19). All references to digital resources shall indicate the access date. Every mention of scholars or researchers in the text of the article must be accompanied by references to their work.

Usage of referential-encyclopedic and tutorial-methodological literature as sources must not exceed 25% from their total amount in the text.

It is necessary to make use of academic editions and/or editions supplied with a crypto of the Federal Tutorial-Methodological Unity, etc.

Crossover quotation is not permitted!

Initials in the text are typed by means of nonbreaking space together with the surname (simultaneously pressing the keys “Ctr” + “Shift” + “space”). There must not be any spaces between the initials.

Quotation marks. In the cases when both the inner and the outer quotation marks are used, the “guillermets” (herring-bones) must present themselves as the outer quotation marks, and the “inverted commas” (or “double-quotes”) must present themselves as the inner quotation marks.

Dashes. The long dash (—), the short dash (–), and the hyphen (-) may be used.

Automatic numeration of the text editor is not used in lists and indices.

The infographics, including the tables, schemes, pictures and formulas must be numbered; the schemes and tables must contain headings placed over the scheme or margin of the table, while each picture must contain a picture caption.

The list of sources is documented as bibliographical references situated beyond the text, in correspondence with the established standard (GOST R 7.0.5-2008 “Bibliographical reference”), is brought out after the end of the article. The sources are given in the order of their mention/quotation in the article. References to the list in the main text are given in square brackets [number of the source in the list, page] (for example, [8, pp. 10-15; 9, p. 128]). Upon the necessity of repeated quotation, reference is given on the number of the first mention of the source. Repeated complex citations are not used.

The headings (and titles of journals) in the second and subsequent citations may not be replaced by their verbal equivalents “aka,” “ibid,” etc.

Upon formatting the list of sources automatic numeration of the text editor is not used, the order number is separated from the text of the reference by a tabulation sign. The “dot” and “dash” sign separating the spheres of bibliographic description is replaced by a “dot.” In all bibliographical references to electronic resources the access date must be indicated.

Any mention of scholars and researchers in the text of the article must be accompanied by references to their works.

The Notes are written as footnotes. The sign of the footnote is placed directly after the word, number, symbol or sentence to which the elucidation is provided. The sign of the footnote is carried out in superscript in Arabic numerals in the upper register — а1а2 (simultaneously pressing the keys ctrl + alt + f). The footnote is placed at the bottom of the page starting from the paragraph indention, separating it from the text by a short horizontal line on the left.

Picture captions are documented according to the following scheme: title/number of illustration — explanations of it (what/who is depicted, where; for illustrations of covers of books and their content – bibliographical description; etc.). The names of the files in the list must correspond to the names/numbers of the provided photo materials.

Materials in English

Information about the author/authors — name, initial of patronymic (if any), surname, place of work (study), author’s postal and e-mail address, title of article, thesis, keywords (in the same scale and order as in the Russian text), information about the source of financing — in printed out and in electronic form to be sent by e-mail (separate file) containing the text in the format of Microsoft Word.

The list of sources in transliteration is provided in a separate file with a translation into English. The numeration of the sources must correspond to the numeration in the author’s original in Russian.

Illustrative materials

Illustrative materials are provided in electronic form in separate files in the TIFF/JPG formats with expansions of no less than 300 dpi simultaneously to the author’s original of the article. Providing illustrations imported in the format of Microsoft Word, as well as Xeroxing them is not allowed.

The tables, schemes, diagrams and graphics are provided in files in the format of Microsoft Word, including the basic data in which editing graphic materials are possible.

The illustrative material and the infographics must be adapted for high-quality black-and-white print.
The author provides the picture captions to all the graphic illustrations (included in the file with the author’s text).

Authorship of the publications

The authors of the publication are deemed to be those researchers who have formed the conception of the text, have engaged in active participation in its development, as well as the achievement of results, including their interpretation and/or reinterpretation. In addition, the authors of the publication include persons responsible for the philological architecture of the text (including those who carried out its academic editing in correspondence with the parameters of submission of the manuscripts to the journal).

The first author in the list of co-authors may only be the supervisor of the group of authors of the manuscript who has taken the greatest part in the process of preparation of the text and is familiar with the entire process of undertaking scholarly work. The supervisor of the group of authors is also required to be the “author for correspondence” – for communication with the editorial board of the journal and the readers (after the publication of the article).

The coauthors may be considered those who have made a considerable amount of contribution to the preparation of the text and the undertaken research. In those cases when the participants of the research work have made considerable contributions in a certain direction within the research project, they must be indicated as persons who have made a considerable contribution to this research.

The author must ascertain that all the participants who have made a considerable contribution into the research are presented as coauthors, while those persons who have not participated in the research would not be listed as oauthors, that all the coauthors would see and approve of the final version of the work and would agree to present it for publication.

Rubricator of the journal “Nauka televideniya” [“The Art and Science of Television”]
  • The methodology of screen art and culture
  • The phenomenon of “time” and “space”
  • The structure and plot in screen-related works
  • Representation of the image of the contemporary hero
  • The language of the screen-related media
  • The media education


Ethical standards

Editorial policy

Upon formation of the editorial polity the Journal bases itself on recommendations of international organizations for the ethics of academic publications:

Observance of the ethical norms and rules is mandatory for the participants of the process of publication of academic materials: authors, reviewers, members of the editorial board, editors and employees of the publishing house.

Upon emergence of suspicions of violation of any of the principles published below, the editorial board of the journal “Nauka televideniya” follows the instructions of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

Editorial ethics

The editor-in-chief of the journal “Nauka televideniya” [“Television Scholarship”] carries out the supervision of the publication of the journal and its conception and, along with the other members of the editorial board, holds the responsibility for making the decision regarding the publication of the articles.

The editorial board together headed by the editor-in-chief of the journal holds the exclusive right of accepting/rejecting manuscripts for publication.

Requirements for publication

  • novelty of research
  • academic quality
  • correspondence of the article to the format of publication and its overall mission

Original articles form the priority of the journal

Multiple (double) and repeated publications in the journal “Nauka televideniya” [“The Art and Science of Television”]are not permitted, with the exception of reviews on significant scholarly events and academic publications.
Authors are required to notify the board of directors of any previously made publications of the presented text (the thesis of the dissertation, theses of conferences, the presentation of a previously published article), which shall help the editors to decide whether it would be possible to relate the submitted manuscript to multiple (double) publication.

We request that original articles are presented by e-mail:



Peer Reviewing Process

Order of examination of manuscripts

Each text submitted to the journal for possible publication is submitted, upon the decision of the editorial board, for Peer Reviewing to 2 members of the Editorial Council Board, whose academic activities correspond most closely to the profile of the material to be considered. If necessary, subject experts outside the Editorial Council Board are involved in the reviewing process.

Both reviews shall comply with the principle of double-blind reviewing (the reviewer and the author/s of the manuscript do not have access to cross-personal information).

For this purpose, the authors shall submit to the editorial board their article in 2 versions: one fully formatted and the other one depersonalized, i.e. without any affiliation with the author/s, including references to the texts they authored/coauthored, or to the independent texts of the coauthors, in intellectual partnership with whom they published their papers earlier.

Any influence of the current political, social, economic situation on the evaluation of manuscripts shall be ruled out, as well as any possible authors’ discrimination on the grounds of their sex, race, nationality, sexual orientation, ethnic origin, religion, citizenship (or lack thereof), political views, or social status.

In case of divergence of experts’ opinions, the manuscript is submitted for an additional Peer Reviewing, which is prepared by an external specialist according to the principle of double-blind reviewing.

The reviews for each article are preserved for 10 years.

Public academic dialogue

The journal is interested in constant activation of scholarly discussion, so the brightest comments, including those of a critical profile, in case of the editorial board making the decision to publish the article, are placed in the subsequent issue as an academic publication.

If there is a review prepared according to the principle of double blind Peer Reviewing, the author of such a review gives his or her preliminary consent for such a publication. If consent is not given, the review is not published in the issue.

The author of a Peer Reviewed article has the right to give his or her response (in the present or the subsequent issue of the publication) to the review published in the journal.

Upon necessity, with the aim in mind to enhance the academic quality of the published materials and to preserve ethical standards the journal publishes corrections, clarifications or apologies, as well as letters to the editors on the pages of the publication and/or on its official website.

The rights of the Editorial Board

The editor-in-chief and the editorial board reserve the right not to accept works formatted with deviations from the rules established in the journal and violating the requirements exerted on the authors of the articles.

The manuscript may be rejected on the stage preceding the Peer Reviewing, if there are weighty reasons present for this:

  • the subject matter of the article does not correspond to the research directions of the journal
  • the article has previously been published in another edition
  • the article contains obvious signs of low quality
  • in the submitted materials there is an essential contradiction to the ethical principles which the journal adheres to
  • all the submitted manuscripts not rejected for the aforementioned reasons at the first stage are passed on to reviewers

Responsibility of the Reviewer

Each disputable incident is an object for special examination of the editorial board.


The reviewer may be expelled from the team of the editorial board / editorial expert board / pool of reviewers from outside in the following cases:

  • upon their own wishes, confirmed by a litter to the editorial board of the journal
  • in the case of establishment of the fact of a non-objective review
  • upon publication of any text bearing obvious indications of violation of academic ethics (plagiarism, academic forgery, etc.)

Conflicts of interests

Upon cases of conflicts of interest of the reviewer/editor with the author of the manuscript, about which the first is required immediately to notify the members of the editorial board, the manuscript must be passed to another reviewer/editor.

In the case of a member of the editorial board / editorial expert board submitting an article for publication in the journal, the article is subject to mandatory Peer Reviewing by two specialists, one of which is a member of the journal’s editorial expert board (double blind Peer Reviewing), and the other is a specialist from outside following the profile of the presumed publication (one-sided blind Peer Reviewing).

If there is a divergence of opinions of the experts, the article is passed for two additional reviews written by specialists who are not members of the editorial board upon an analogous principle – one-sided and double blind Peer Reviewing.

The final decision regarding the contested material is made at a session of the journal’s editorial board headed by its editor-in-chief (without consideration of the opinion of the author of the discussed article).

Plagiarism, academic forgery, retraction of articles

Upon discovery of plagiarism, which is understood as inclusion into the material presented for consideration of publication material of borrowed text without links to the source from where the facts/ideas were derived, and/or academic forgery interpreted as an indubitable representation in the texts of facts relating to a different fact/event/phenomenon, the article is rejected without the right of repeated submission, while its author is placed into the list of researchers whose materials are barred from publication in the journal.

A similar list is placed in open access on the official website of the publication.

Examination of the texts in Russian is carried out with the help of the “Anti-Plagiarism” database, in certain cases the manuscripts are given to the scrutiny of the Independent Web Comminuty “Dissernet.” Texts in English are checked by means of the web search engine “Google.” All the materials of the journal “Nauka Televideniya” [The Science of Television] are presented in open access by its Editor, Editorial Board, Editorial Council Board and contributors with the aim of intensification of the international exchange of knowlege and acceleration of the development of research actvity (for greater detail see Budapest Open Access Initiative.) The issues of the journal are accessible for downloading and further work without any additional limitations by the licence Creative Commons Attribution International 4.0 CC-BY upon the condition of indicating the authorship.

In case of discovery of the presence of plagiarism / academic forgery in the text the journal immediately shall make the effort of retracting such an article, including such actions as withdrawing the text from the electronic version of the edition placed in open access on its website, and publishing in its successive issue of an official letter to databases where such a text is indexed with requests to immediately retract it from the database.

The journal also reserves the right to officially inform the employer of such an author about the fact that has taken place and to turn for legal action to protect the honor and business reputation of the publication and the publisher.

Quality of the sources

The journal’s editorial board asks the authors of the submitted manuscripts to pay attention on the information in the following Internet websites:

Upon preparation of the manuscripts it is not recommended to use references on publications in journals excluded from the Russian index of academic citation. A complete index is placed in the corresponding section of the website of the Scholarly electronic library: https://elibrary.ru/titles.asp?risc=2&sortorder=0

Policy of open access

The editor, editorial board, editorial expert board and contributors of the journal “Nauka televidenia” provides free access for the sake of the intensification of the international exchange of knowledge and acceleration of the development of research activity. For greater detail about this see: Budapest Open Access Initiative.

All the issues of the journal are available for downloading and subsequent work without any subsequent limitations on the basis of the license

Лицензия Creative Commons

Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0

International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)

Authors’ rights

The authors retain full rights to their texts published in the journal, which means a complete absence on the part of the author of any constraints to administer the texts hereafter according to his or her discretion.

  • The journal doesn’t charge authors neither Article Processing Charge (APC) nor Article Submission Charges (ASC)
  • Honorariums are not paid to authors of the publications


How to obtain the journal “Nauka televideniya”?

It is possible to obtain the journal at the publishing house
Cost — 150 rubles.

Email: biblioteka@gitr.ru

Phone: +7 (495) 787-65-11, extension number 1119

Address: 125284, Moscow, Khoroshevskoye shosse, d. 32А

Shipping by Cash on Delivery or Dispatch


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